Adding or Updating an Employee Direct Deposit

Adding or Updating an Employee Direct Deposit

From time to time, it necessary to update a direct deposit for either a new or existing employee. 

First, navigate to the menu and follow the path of Team > My Team > Employee Information

Once you can see your employee list, enter the employee's information page and navigate to the payroll tab.

On the payroll page, you will see a "Jump To" list on the left to navigate directly to Direct Deposits or you can scroll down to the Direct Deposits widget.

If there is an existing direct deposit that should be removed, select the ellipses (...) on the far right of the line of data and choose View/Edit. The direct deposit information will pop up on the screen and you can enter the end date in the Active To field and save to complete


If you end dated a direct deposit, you can now choose Add New in the top left or if this was no direct deposit initially, choose Add in the top right of the Direct Deposits widget.

A box will pop up to enter the information for the direct deposit. The required fields to enter with explanation:
  1. Active From and To: The date here should be left alone unless there is a specific reason to choose a different date. For instance, an existing employee wants this direct deposit to start in 30 days. 
  2. Bank Account Type: Select if the account is a Checking or Savings account
  3. Calculation Method: The most common type here is Entire/Remainder that will deposit all of the net into the listed account. Flat $ Amount and % of Net Pay are also common if the employee wants a portion going into this bank account.
  4. Amount: When Flat $ Amount or % of Net Pay is chosen, you must provide a dollar amount or percent split.
  5. Frequency: Most commonly, Every Pay is chosen, but an employee could elect for this direct deposit to only be used on certain payrolls.
  6. Account # and Reenter Account #: Enter the account number for the direct deposit account
  7. ABA #/Bank Routing #: Enter the 9-digit bank routing number
  8. Pre-Note Status: Leave this field untouched

After saving, the direct deposit is activated.

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