How to Set Up and Maintain Payroll Alerts

How to Set Up and Maintain Payroll Alerts

Payroll Alerts are a great way to set reminders to alert the payroll processor of items to check on and/or information that needs to be added to any particular payroll. Alerts can be added by payroll admins, managers and/or the payroll specialist.

Set Up Payroll Alerts

In order to add a Payroll Alert to an employee record, navigate to the Employee Record by going to Team > My Team > Employee Information.  Locate the employee and click the Employee Info icon.

Once inside of the employee record, navigate to the Payroll tab.  Use the Jump To Menu to get to the Payroll Alerts widget.  Click Add to add a new alert.


Choose the applicable alert frequency from the dropdown. After the frequency is chosen additional criteria may require completion, such as # of Times to Show as seen below. The options to choose from are as follows:

All - will appear on All payrolls until edited

All After - will appear on All Payrolls after X date
All Until - will allow you to choose an end date to stop the alert
Next X Payroll - will allow you to choose how many payrolls to which the alert applies
Specific Date - choose which date you'd like the alert to initially populate

Make sure to check the box to keep Active and if you'd like to sign off on the alert at time of payroll then keep the box checked that says Require Sign-Off.

Add a Label and Alert Description to describe what action needs to be taken.

When processing the payroll, the alert will show up and you'll be able to then process or check on the alert that appears.

**Note: If a payroll has already been opened, Next X is not ideal as the open payroll can push the alert to the next payroll rather than the current payroll processing.

How to Edit/Turn Off Alerts

In order to make changes to an existing alert or end date the alert, go to the Payroll Alert within the employee record, click on the pencil icon to View/Edit or the trash can icon to Delete.


Note:  During processing payroll, you can always navigate to the employee record and edit any alerts that need to end rather than waiting until payroll is over – which could potentially cause you to forget to make the changes to the active alert. 


To do this, you will click on the employee’s name in the top of the screen and it will take you in to the Employee Master Record.




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