Multiple Worksite Report

Multiple Worksite Report

At this time there is not a single report that can generate the data needed for the MWR. The data must be pulled in two separate reports due to the nature of the data needed for the report; one for the wage data and one for the employee count. The Wage data by worksite is for the full quarter while the employee count by worksite is based upon the payrolls each month whose pay periods included the 12th of the month. 

Instructions for Wage Data Report:

1.     Navigate to Team > Payroll > Reports > Taxes > Tax Wage Details > Tax Wage Details

2.     On this report you will need the following columns: Tax Code, Subject Gross Wages (ER), and your cost center and cost center level for your worksite.

3.     Filter for your Tax Code equals SUTA: XX  (State Abbreviation) and Pay Date Range for the quarter you need the data for

Instructions for Employee Count Report:

1.     Navigate to Team > Payroll > Reports > Taxes > Tax Wage Detail > Tax Wage Details.

2.   On this report you will need the following columns: Employee ID (can also add Employee Name if you want), Payroll: Pay Month, Tax Code, Subject Gross Wages (ER), and your cost center and cost center level for your worksite.

3.     For your Pay Date Filter you will use Payroll Filter and you will select the payroll for the quarter you are running the report for whose pay periods include the 12th of the month 

4.     Export the report to Excel

5.     Within Excel there are two options for obtaining the employee count:

a.      Filter on the worksite location and by each pay month to determine how many employees were in the location each month

b.     Create a Pivot Table with the Row as Pay Month, Column for your worksite, and the Value as Count of Employee ID. This will give you a table that has  an employee count for each.

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