Profiles are settings that are configured and assigned to employees to allow any functionality set up to apply to the individual employee record. It's very important to understand the profiles related to Payroll and Time Keeping in order to ensure all time and pay is calculated accordingly as well as ensuring benefits are accruing/available to those that it should be.
Depending on your company set up, you may have different options available to choose. If you're unsure of the meaning, please reach out for further clarification.
**At time of promotion or demotion, be sure to take note of any profile changes needed.
To access employee profiles, navigate to Team > My Team> Employee
Information > Employee Information Icon > Main Tab > Profiles
> Manage Profiles.
Dashboard Layout Profile: This effects the view
the user sees when they login. By default, always choose the name according to
the level of security access. For example, employee access should have Employee
dashboard or payroll admin would have Admin dashboard, etc.
Security: Security Profiles grant certain
accesses and views to the user based on which security you assign. These can
include Employee, Manager, TLM Manager, Payroll Admin, Company Administrator,
etc. If any additional security profiles
are needed, they will need to be added to the company.
**Keep in mind that if you grant security access as any type of manager role
that needs access to employees, you'd still need to assign the user to a group
in order to allow them to see the employees and grant privileges to the
group they manage.
Accruals: This profile assigns the employee to
which level of accrual they should receive. The system allows only one profile
per employee so the accrual would be created in a way that includes all accrual
types that apply to the policy. For example, an accrual for Full-Time may
include PTO and Sick. In that case, you'd choose "Full-Time" or the
name you chose at time of implementation for that Full-Time employee.
Access: This profile controls if
a company or even certain employees should have their system access restricted
to certain IP addresses listed within this profile.
Holiday: Holiday table refers to the holiday policy you have. If you have more than one policy, then you'd have an option of holidays to choose from. If you only have one policy, the holiday policy would be defaulted to all employees.
Pay Period: This profile will assign how often
the employee is paid and how to determine annual salary. If you only have one
pay period, this will be a default set up.
Pay Prep: Pay Preparation rules summarize the data for payroll. When applied to an employee's account on the Employee Profile page, a Pay Prep Profile determines the final summation of hours and pay for the employee. You can determine if the records comprising the sum are grouped by day, week, or pay period, etc. You have the option of having separate totals for each cost center or other time entry extra field, if needed. Separate totals are accomplished with the addition of records and rules.
**The pay prep rules typically fall in sync with the Pay
calculations – Hourly or Salary.
Pay Calculation: Pay Calculation is very important in order to ensure that the hours or method of pay is calculating correctly. Pay Calculations process raw time and pay data according to the rules in the profile. After processing, the data may be grouped into categories and provide additional information, for example, cost centers where extra hours were worked. The detailed data that is available is valuable for labor tracking and analysis but may not be appropriate for exporting to payroll. For example, an employee's pay statement may include a total of all overtime pay but will not include details of where that overtime was earned.
For example, you will see on Pay Calculation, you may have a
choice of Hourly or Salary. The choices would determine how to separate OT vs.
Regular. If you ever find that an employee's timecard is not separating the OT,
this may be the cause, check the Pay Calc profile. If you have hourly employees
in more than one state, you may have more than one hourly option.
Labor Distribution: The Labor Distribution profile
allows you to create as many profiles as necessary to allocate time the
employee worked between different cost centers based on pre-determined
percentage splits. This optional Labor Distribution profile can
be used if needed. If not used, then 100% of time for employees will be
allocated to the employee’s home cost center. Multiple profiles can be created
to split employee bulk hours/wages on the Pay Statement.
The Labor Distribution profile ties to the Cost Center Tree and
there is no limit to the number of ways that labor can be split. But
the end total must equal 100%.
Counter Distribution: Allows you to configure
who will distribute counters.
Time Off Planning: This profile contains
rules that define
how Time Off Planning works. The Time Off Planning Profile
is available under Company Settings > Profiles/Policies
> Time Off Planning. Once the basic profile is created,
rules can then be added. When creating a new profile, enter a Name,
Description, and if the profile should not be used, uncheck the Active
checkbox. Click the Add Rule button to begin adding parameters to the
Time Off Planning functionality helps companies manage and control time off requested by employees. The functionality provides the capability to determine the maximum number of employees who can have time off for a given time period. For example, your business may have a rule that determines that only X number of people in a team can have a vacation in a normal working week, but X (-2) in December. This maximum number of people is a limit known as available time off slots. The settings controlling how Time Off Planning behaves are set within the Time Off Planning Profiles and its added rules.
This functionality works with Time Off Requests.
When an employee submits a time off
request, Time Off Planning will work in conjunction
with time off request settings to further validate the request and
help determine how many employees can be off work at the same time.
Timesheet Profile: Timesheet profiles dictate
the way the employee would show up on a timesheet as well as how they'd
function day to day with the clock, such as an hourly employee punching in and
out, where a salary employee would only use timesheets to track time off. By
default, the choices are typically Hourly, Salary, or Time Off Only.
Timesheet Auto Population Policy: This policy
will show the holidays the employee gets paid for on the time sheets by
choosing "Holiday" or if employees should be paid auto hours based on
their schedules, you'd choose "Holiday and Schedules". The most
common is "Holidays".
Points: Points system is related to time keeping
in order to give your employees points as positive reinforcement (perfect
attendance, always on time, etc.) or as a way to keep track of tardiness,
absences, etc. If you have only one point system, you'd need
to assign to those that apply and if you have more than one policy,
you'd choose accordingly per employee.
Scheduler Profile (Used for Advanced Scheduling
Only): Employees can be assigned a Work Schedule Profile or a
Scheduler Profile, depending how schedules will be generated. Employees are to
only be assigned one profile or the other, but in the chance an employee is
saved with both a Scheduler Profile and a Work Schedule Profile, only one of
those profiles will be used for scheduling. Keep in mind if using any rounding
rules or tracking of absences or tardiness would require the employee
have a schedule applied to them.
Work Schedule (Used for Basic Scheduling Only): Work
schedule is used when using basic scheduling and must be applied to the
employee in order for any tracking of absences, tardiness, and enable any
rounding rules. Work Schedules are created under the "Work Schedule"
section and usually are named as the shift time.
Workday Breakdown: Enter the default Workday Breakdown profile to be assigned to all new employees. This profile will contain the rules for allocating percentages of time to various cost centers. If blank, none is assigned. Breakdown will allow you allocate to specific cost centers, time within the schedule. You can create a Workday Breakdown Template by clicking the Breakdown link, or by navigating to: Company Settings > Profiles/Policies > Schedules > Workday Breakdown Templates.
Competency: Contains competency ratings
that will be applied to newly created accounts. You can use this for a profile
and widget, this will basically be the ability and type of skills an employee
has to perform their job successfully or efficiently. As a widget, it can be
used to rate performance reviews. Communication is an example of competency,
and you can create a profile based on employees that have a high competency of
Demographic: Demographic Profiles can be created
and then assigned to user accounts to determine which demographic fields will
be used within the user account and whether these fields are required. The
system provides several standard demographics, such as ethnicity, eye color,
gender, height, and photo. You can also create customized demographic fields.
If you wanted to create a profile for different demographics or a profile
customized to your preferences based on any demographics in your company and
track them with this profile. Example would be a company T-shirt size, if you
needed to create a profile on sizes this would be a good one.
Performance Review: When performance reviews are active, there will be profiles you can choose from. For example, if you have a group of employees that get a more involved performance review annually, vs. a less involved review that is a simple 90 day check in for a different group, then you'd have one profile. If all employees have the same performance review profile, then this would need to be set up as a default or assigned to all employees manually during new hire process in order to initiate the performance review.
Training: This feature allows you to create a profile that includes Courses/Certifications that can then be attached to an employee (see below for more on Courses/Certifications). For example, you may have a Lifeguard that has completed CPR, First Aid, and Lifeguard Training courses. Click the Add Training/Certification button to build the profile. This profile can then be assigned to an employee under My Employees > Employee Information.
Working Regulations: This profile is only available for companies using the Pay Calculations 2.0 engine and allows companies to set parameters at the profile level for regulatory rules that can be referred to in other parts of the system. The basic profile contains a name and description, and rules must then be added. You can add breaks and daily rest periods to this profile or you can add maximum hours per day or night work. You then would add rules for example for breaks All – The system will continue processing subsequent rules.
• Stop on Violation – The system will stop processing subsequent rules if an exception was caused by the current rule.
• Stop if No Violation – The system will stop processing subsequent rules if no exception was caused by the current values.
• Combined - The system will combine subsequent rules.
Benefits: If you have levels of eligibility for benefits based on certain criteria, then you may have more than one benefit profile which would mean you'd need to choose accordingly. If all employees are equally eligible, then you'd have one policy, and it can set as a default. If you don't offer benefits, this would be left blank.
Retirement Plans: If you have a retirement plan, you'd need to assign ALL employees to the plan in order to notify them when they are eligible for the plan. For example, if you have a 401K plan set up that states that employees cannot participate until one year of service, the profile should still be applied in order to allow them in when they become eligible. If they're not assigned at all, there will be no notification when they become eligible nor will the system track IRS limits for retirement contributions.