Where to Find/Read Import Specs

Where to Find/Read Import Specs

To manually import data into the system, you must format the data correctly. The system houses various Excel templates with Instructions worksheets under Settings > Imports > Overview.

Each template section is broken down by the following categories within the Import Overview screen:
Company Setup
Employee Setup
Time & Attendance Data

In the Import Overview screen, select the template for the information you want to upload by clicking on Excel, Excel 2007, or XML to download the template.  The screen is broken up by showing the Download link, the Type of Import, and a brief Description of the template and what it should be used for.

Each import template has a General Note at the top of the template outlining details of the import.  It will also outline what types of files the system will accept – either CSV or Excel Format.


The template will have two tabs - Instructions and Template.  On the Instructions tab, the header contain several columns across the top:
Field Name: Name of the column header for each column of data
Alternate Column Header Names: Alternate column headers for each column of data
Required: If the column is required for import or is an optional column of data
Unique: Indicates if the column has to contain unique data
Min Length: Minimum number of characters for column data
Max Length: Maximum number of characters for the column data
Valid Format: What type of format is accepted in each column of data
Can Clear: Indicates if a column can be used to clear data that is already in the system
CC Defaults:  If a value in this column needs to be applied, enter the word “APPLY_DEFUALT_CCn” where n-1…9 is the cost center number
Description: Detailed description of what each field name column is used for

The Template tab contains every possible field name as well as example data in some cases. Most required fields will be indicated in RED font. Format your template to the specifications you need and SAVE. 

The template name (which section you found it in) will correspond to where you need to upload.

EXAMPLE:  Import Overview > Employee Setup > Employees would be imported in Imports > Employee Setup > Employees

After you select the type of import, select the Input Type: Excel, CSV, or Excel CSV, click Choose File, and browse to the file. The Test button enables you to see errors that might occur prior to import. After you address all errors, click the Import button to import the data.


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