Employee Maintenance
How to Mass Edit Scheduled Deductions
If you need to adjust a deduction for a large group of employees, you can use the Mass Edit Scheduled Deductions option to update the amount, begin date, end date, or vendor. Navigate to Team > Payroll > Employee Payroll Maintenance > Deductions This ...
Adding a Retirement Plan Profile and Deduction to an Employee
Navigate to the employee profile you need to update. Team > My Team > Employee Information Select the employee. Retirement Plan Profile Navigate to the Main tab and select the Profiles tab on the right side of the screen. Navigate to the bottom of ...
How to Mass Edit Employee Information
The Mass Edit menu gives you options to mass edit profiles and rates for employee accounts. For Example: If you need to change the holiday profile for hundreds of employees, and the profile will be the same for all of them, you can use the Mass Edit ...
How to Add Notes About an Employee
Navigate to Team > My Team > Employee Information Select the desired employee. Navigate to the Payroll tab > Payroll Alerts. This will jump you down the page to the Payroll Alerts box. Select Add in the top right. From this window you can choose ...
Add, Edit an Involuntary Deduction on an Employee using the Deduction Wizard
For any deduction that will involve a background calculation, you want to use the Deduction Wizard. A few examples would be Child Support, Wage Garnishments, Tax Levys, etc. Navigate to the employee's profile Team > My Team > Employee Information ...
Shadow In as Employee
In order to shadow in as another employee within your organization, you must first add the Login as Employee button to the Employee Information screen. Navigate to Team > My Team > Employee Information Once you are on the Employee Information Screen, ...
Downloading Employee Pay Statement
The first step to pulling an employee's pay statement is to find that employee in your employee information section. Using the full navigation menu in the upper left hand corner, navigate to Team > My Team > Employee Information. You will now pull ...
How to View and Update Employee Profiles
From time to time, it necessary to update or view an employee profile. Profiles control many aspects of the employee setup in the system from how their timesheet is calculated to what security rights they have. Please review the Overview of Profiles ...
Adding or Updating a Recurring Earning
From time to time, it necessary to update or add a recurring earning or "autopay" to an employee. Some examples would be cell phone reimbursements, ongoing bonuses, or other scheduled pays besides salary. Navigate to the menu and follow the path of ...
Update Employee Tax Withholding Manually
From the left side menu, go to Team > My Team > Employee Information and choose the employee you would like to update. From the employee profile, go to the Payroll Tab > Tax Information. From tax information, choose which tax jurisdiction you would ...
Unlocking Employee Account
To unlock an employee's account, from the full navigation screen go to Team > My Team > Employee Information Once inside the Employee Information screen, find the applicable employee and click on the Employee Information icon to navigate in to their ...
Terminate an Employee
Navigate to Team > My Team > Employee Information Select the checkbox to the left of the employee that is terminated. In the top right corner of your screen, select the Terminate action button. This will redirect you to the termination detail page. ...
Update an Employee Address
Navigate to Team > My Team > Employee Information and select the employee information icon to the left of the employee needing the address update from the on screen report. From the Main tab of the employee's profile, navigate to the Personal ...
Adding or Updating an Employee Deduction
From time to time, it necessary to update or add a deduction to an employee. Navigate to the menu and follow the path of Team > My Team > Employee Information Once you can see your employee list, enter the employee's information page and navigate to ...
Adding or Updating an Employee Direct Deposit
From time to time, it necessary to update a direct deposit for either a new or existing employee. First, navigate to the menu and follow the path of Team > My Team > Employee Information Once you can see your employee list, enter the employee's ...
Resetting Employee Passwords
To reset or unlock an employee's password, navigate to Team > HR > Employee Maintenance > Password Reset. Select one or more employees from the lookup and click Reset Password. When a password is reset, the employee will be required to create a new ...
Employee Quick Links
In order to view an Employee's Quick Links menu, navigate to Team > My Team > Employee Information. The Quick Links are present on the Employee Information screen next to each employee's name as well as inside of their Employee Profile. Inside of the ...
Changing an Employee from Hourly to Salary
Employee Information Navigate to the Employee Information screen (Team > My Team > Employee Information) and open the employee record that you are updating by clicking on the Employee Information button. Once inside the employee record, navigate to ...
How to Manually Adjust Employee's Accrual Balances
Navigate to Team > Accruals > Balances 2. Find the employee that you want to adjust and click on the Edit Pencil. 3. You will want to enter what the new balance should be in the Hours Remaining column. **Do not enter the adjustment amount**. **Make ...
How to Update Base Compensation
Navigate to Team > My Team > Employee Information This will bring up all active employees. Search for the employee whose base compensation you need to update and select the Employee Information Icon to navigate in to the Employee's Profile. This will ...
Re-Send Employee Welcome Email
Navigate to Team > My Team > Employee Information The Employee Information screen will open showing you the screen below. You will find the employee you need to resend the welcome email to and check the box beside their name, as shown below. You will ...
Account Locked Codes
0 - NONE Account lock in place 1 - VCA CLEARED When clearing VCA information, if account is supposed to be locked, it is done within this code. 2 - INVALID ATTEMPTS Account is locked due to the number of invalid login attempts (non-VCA) 3 - NEW ...
How to Hire an Employee
You can add Employees manually or import them. In order to manually hire them, navigate to Team > My Team > Employee Information. Click on Hire in the top right action menu. The hire pages are designed with jump links in the left pane and the widgets ...
How to Adjust an Employee Accrual Balance
To view employee accrual balances, navigate to Team > Accruals > Balances. Once on this screen, you will see a report that lists all employees who have an active accrual profile as well as the type(s) of time off, updated to date, earned YTD, taken, ...