Mass Updating and Generating Schedules
Navigate to Settings > Profiles/Policies > Schedules > Work Schedules. Those are all of the schedules you currently have built. You can create new ones as well as edit the current ones. Once you have set up what you want to use, you will navigate to ...
Updating an Employee's Work schedule
TO MAKE ONLY TEMPORARY CHANGES Navigate to Team > My Team > Employee Information Locate the employee that you would like to edit and open the employee's profile. Go to the Schedules Tab. Click on the day that you want to edit, and it will pop open an ...
Creating Basic Schedules
To Build a Schedule Daily Rule, navigate to Settings > Profiles/Policies > Schedules > Daily Rules a. Select New Daily Rule b. Input a Name, Schedule Type, tart/End Time and the Standard Total Hours for your shift (if the shift is 8 hours you can ...